A brief history in Telegram chatting

We started using Telegram in November 2014. Here's some fun facts about Amelia's and Ryan's messaging through December 2018.

We've exchanged a total of 30,604 messages which amounts to about 21 messages per day. Amelia sent 16,717 of those messages using 140,668 words or about 8.4 words per message. Ryan sent sent 13,887 messages using 99,473 words or about 7.1 words per message.

Turns out we don't text much on the weekends with our least messages being sent on Saturdays. We must be saving all our finger energy up for our most popular texting day on Monday.

We get chattier as the day goes on peaking at around 7pm before we taper out for the night.

Date Messages
Nov 30th 2014 185
Aug 17th 2017 178
Dec 21st 2014 152
Dec 26th 2014 151
Nov 27th 2014 149
Nov 28th 2014 143
Feb 13th 2018 140
Jun 2nd 2017 133
Nov 28th 2014 133
Apr 26th 2017 132

Looks like we were super into Telegram right when we started as we peaked in our usage on Nov 30th 2014 with 185 messages. But a couple other days kicked up some activity, like when we made an offer on the house on Apr 26th 2017.

Amelia, as per our real life converations, is good at getting both the first and last word in every day. Amelia sends the first message of the day 63% of the time and ends the day with a message 59% of the time.

Ryan's longest words
Amelia's longest words

Both Amelia and Ryan busted out equally long-winded vocabularies maxing out at 16 characters, and we both used responsibilities and misunderstanding to do so. Hmmm...

Ryan's unique words
Amelia's unique words

We both bring words to the table the other has never used. Above is a small sample which may speak volumes about Amelia and Ryan.

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