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Maybe Next Wednesday

Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, xkcd, and Penny Arcade are all comics I greatly admire. Thinking it might be fun to try and write a joke or two myself, I somehow convinced my good friend Kari to join the endeavor and illustrate the antics of a pigeon, a squirrel, and their friends. Maybe Next Wednesday came alive.

We created a whopping 32 comics in the end. Turns out making comics regularly is quite the commitment, especially for the artist (thanks again Kari 😜). I’m really happy we gave it a go, and I’m teaching myself to draw in hopes of picking up the hobby again in the future.

Below are my favorites from the vintage Maybe Next Wednesday collection.

Pete’s a superhero

Pete indulges in his aloof eccentricity. The all too serious Sebastian tries to ruin his fun. As often the case, Pete manages to shake the whole situation off. My favorite comic of the whole bunch as I think this is our best execution of the classic three panel format.


Inspired by the xkcd series of “My Hobby” comics, our own version below was a light hearted way to get to know the characters as individuals. Had we kept going, these creative asides would have been the most fun to make.

Todos or not todos

Enjoying a respite from the caged Pete, Sebastian frantically starts down a path of pent up productivity. Sadly for Sebastian, Pete hops back into his life before Sebastian could really even get going.

There were a few comics where we played with the traditional paneled format, and much like “Pete’s a Superhero” above, I think this was our best effort. A story is told, true to both the characters personalities, with only two words of dialog.

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